NOTE: I do have more Code Info on the DUGGAR Family... But I do think this is enough
work displayed...There are about six 1,000 Codes in the family too...Which any enthusiasts
might like to find ?
Here I have placed the 1,000 button link for more 1,000 Code Examples on this site...Hadassah...:)
JACKSON LEVI...His birth inclusive to his brother
JASON MICHAEL'S 8th birthday is 1,430 = 430 + 1,000
23rd May 2004 inclusive - 21st April 2008
JOSHUA JAMES ...His 13th birthday inclusive to his brother JAMES ANDREW'S birth = 127
3rd March 2001 inclusive - 7th July 2001
JESSA LAUREN...Her birth inclusive to her Mother
MICHELLE ANNETTE DUGGAR'S 27th birthday = 314
4th November 1992 inclusive - 13th September 1993
Twins JOHN - DAVID And JANA MARIE...Their 12th birthday to their brother
JUSTIN SAMUEL'S birth is 307 = 127 + 180
12th January 2002 - 15th November 2002
I had only heard about the DUGGAR Family a few days ago in Mid November 2016...
And I thought they would be a Great Example to show how siblings are "CODE LINKED".
NOTE : I personally don't refer to children as kids...But this is how these siblings are presented
NOTE: I will only be dealing with "Solar" birthdays
ALSO I will be keeping the Codes very simple...Because this is a lot of work...Enjoy...Hadassah...:)
Grandchild MACKYNZIE RENEE DUGGAR...Her birth inclusive to her Twin Uncles
8th October 2009 inclusive - 30th December 2012
NOTE: At the time I did this calculation the 4th November 2019 is a future date
JOSEPH GARRETT...His birth inclusive to his Father JAMES ROBERT'S 30th birthday = 180
20th January 1995 inclusive - 18th July 1995
JESSA LAUREN...Her 17th birthday inclusive to her Nephew
MARCUS ANTHONY DUGGAR'S birth is 1,307 = 127 + 180 + 1,000
4th November 2009 inclusive - 2nd June 2013
JOSIAH MATHEW...His 4th birthday inclusive to his brother JAMES ANDREW'S birth = 314
28th August 2000 inclusive - 7th July 2001
JACKSON LEVI...His birth inclusive to TWIN siblings
JANA MARIE, JOHN-DAVID'S 16th birthday = 600
23rd May 2004 inclusive - 12th January 2006
JACKSON LEVI...His birth to his sister
JINGER NICOLE'S 14th birthday is 1,307 = 127 + 180 + 1,000
23rd May 2004 - 21st December 2007
JOSHUA JAMES...His 20th birthday to his Daughter
MACKYNZIE RENEE DUGGAR'S 2nd birthday is 1,314 = 314+ 1,000
3rd March 2008 - 8th October 2011
JENNIFER DANIELLE...Her birth inclusive to her sister
JORDYN - GRACE MAKIYA'S 3rd birthday = 1,600
2nd August 2007 inclusive - 18th December 2011
JOSIE BROOKLYN...Her birth to her sister JENNIFER DANIELLE'S 4th birthday = 600
10th December 2009 - 2nd August 2011
JOY ANNA...Her birth inclusive to her brother JOSHUA JAME'S 10th birthday = 127
28th October 1997 inclusive - 3rd March 1998
JAMES ANDREW...His 2nd birthday inclusive to his sister
JILL MICHELLE'S 17th birthday = 1,777
7th July 2003 inclusive - 17th May 2008
JOSIE BROOKLYN...Her 2nd birthday inclusive to her sister
JOHANNAH FAITH'S 7th birthday is 307 = 127 + 180
10th December 2011 inclusive - 11th October 2012
NOTE: At the time I did this calculation the 30th December 2016 is a future date
Mother MICHELLE ANNETTE DUGGAR...Her 29th birthday inclusive to her Daughter
JOY - ANNA'S birth = 777
13th September 1995 inclusive - 28th October 1997
JOHANNAH FAITH...Her birth to her sister
JILL MICHELLE'S 18th birthday is 1,314=314+1,000
11th October 2005 - 17th May 2009
Grandchild ISRAEL DAVID DILLARD...His 1st birthday to his Aunt
JESSA LAUREN'S 27th birthday is 1,307 = 127 + 180 + 1,000
6th April 2016 - 4th November 2019
Grandchildren MACKYNZIE RENEE DUGGAR...Her 5th birthday to her Cousin
8th October 2014 - 6th April 2015
JORDYN - GRACE MAKIYA...Her 3rd birthday inclusive to her sister
JOY - ANNA'S 19th birthday = 1,777
18th December 2011 inclusive - 28th October 2016
JUSTIN SAMUEL...His birth to his brother JAMES ANDREW'S 3rd birthday = 600
15th November 2002 - 7th July 2004
JAMES ANDREW...His birth to his sister JILL MICHELLE'S 11th birthday = 314
7th July 2001 - 17th May 2002
JINGER NICOLE...Her birth inclusive to her brother JOSEPH GARRETT'S 2nd birthday = 1,127
21st December 1993 inclusive - 20th January 1997
JESSA LAUREN...Her birth to her sister JINGER NICOLE'S 1st birthday = 777
4th November 1992 - 21st December 1994
Grandchild MACKYNZIE RENEE DUGGAR...Her 2nd birthday to her Aunt
JOSIE BROOKLYN'S 3rd birthday = 430
8th October 2011 inclusive - 10th December 2012
JASON MICHAEL...His 4th birthday to his brother JACKSON LEVI'S 3rd birthday = 1,127
21st April 2004 - 23rd May 2007
JACKSON LEVI...His 1st birthday inclusive to his Niece
23rd May 2005 inclusive - 8th October 2009
Twins JEDIDIAH ROBERT And JEREMIAH ROBERT...Their birth inclusive to their brother
JOSHUA JAMES'S 12th birthday = 430
30th December 1998 inclusive - 3rd March 2000
TWINS JEDIDIAH ROBERT And JEREMIAH ROBERT...Their birth inclusive to their sister
JILL MICHELLE'S 12th birthday = 1,600
30th December 1998 inclusive - 17th May 2003
Mother MICHELLE ANNETTE DUGGAR...Her 44th birthday to her Grandchild
ISRAEL DAVID DILLARD'S birth is 1,666 = 666 + 1,000
13th September 2010 - 6th April 2015
Grandchild MARCUS ANTHONY DUGGAR...His birth inclusive to his Granddad
JAMES ROBERT'S 50th birthday = 777
2nd June 2013 inclusive - 18th July 2015
JUSTIN SAMUEL...His birth inclusive to his Twin brothers
15th November 2002 inclusive - 30th December 2004
Twins JOHN - DAVID And JANA MARIE...Their 22nd birthday to their Nephew
12th January 2012 - 6th April 2015
Grandchild SPURGEON ELLIOT SEEWALD...His birth to his Aunt
JINGER NICOLE'S 24th birthday = 777
5th November 2015 - 21st December 2017
JOY - ANNA...Her birth to her brother JOSEPH GARRETT'S 6th birthday = 1,180
28th October 1997 - 20th January 2001
JOSHUA JAMES...His birth inclusive to his Twin brother and sister
JOHN - DAVID And JANA MARIE'S 3rd birthday = 1,777
3rd March 1998 inclusive - 12th January 1993
JOHANNAH FAITH...Her 6th birthday to her Nephew MARCUS DUGGAR'S birth = 600
11th October 2011 - 2nd June 2013
Grandchild MARCUS ANTHONY DUGGAR...His birth to his Twin Uncles
JEDIDIAH ROBERT And JEREMIAH ROBERT'S 18th birthday is 1,307 = 127 + 180 + 1,000
2nd June 2013 - 30th December 2016
JACKSON LEVI...His 2nd birthday inclusive to his Brother
JAMES ANDREW'S 7th birthday = 777
23rd May 2006 inclusive - 7th July 2008
Grandchild MICHAEL JAMES DUGGAR...His 1st birthday to his Uncle
JOSEPH GARRETT'S 21st birthday is 1,314 = 314 + 1,000
15th June 2012 - 20th January 2016
Father JAMES ROBERT...His 39th birthday to his Daughter
JOHANNAH FAITH'S 2nd birthday = 1,180
18th July 2004 - 11th October 2007
Mother MICHELLE ANNETTE DUGGAR...Her 37th birthday inclusive to her Son
JUSTIN SAMUEL'S 2nd birthday = 430
13th September 2003 inclusive - 15th November 2004
JOSIE BROOKLYN...Her birth inclusive to her brother JOSHUA JAMES'S 25th birthday = 1,180
10th December 2009 inclusive - 3rd March 2013
NOTE: At the time I did this calculation the 28th October 2019 is a future date
NOTE: At the time I did this calculation the 21st December 2017 is a future date
JASON MICHAEL...His birth to his Brother JOSHUA JAMES'S 17th birthday = 1,777
21st April 2000 - 3rd March 2005
JOSEPH GARRETT...His 8th birthday inclusive to his Brother
JUSTIN SAMUEL'S 2nd birthday = 666
20th January 2003 inclusive - 15th November 2004
Copyright © The Hadassah Code. All rights reserved.
JORDYN - GRACE MAKIYA...Her birth to her sister JOY-ANNA'S 12th birthday =314
18th December 2008 - 28th October 2009
JORDYN - GRACE MAKIYA...Her 2nd birthday inclusive to her Nephew
18th December 2010 inclusive - 15th June 2011
Grandchild MICHAEL JAMES DUGGAR...His birth to his Twin Uncle And Aunt
JOHN - DAVID And JANA MARIE'S 25th birthday is 1,307 = 127 + 180 + 1,000
15th June 2011 - 12th January 2015
Grandchild ISRAEL DAVID DILLARD...His birth to his Aunt
JOY - ANNA'S 22nd birthday = 1,666
6th April 2015 - 28th October 2019
JILL MICHELLE...Her birth to her sister JINGER NICOLE'S 1st birthday is 1,314 = 314 + 1,000
17th May 1991 - 21st December 1994
JOY - ANNA...Her 12th birthday inclusive to her Nephew
MARCUS ANTHONY DUGGAR'S birth is 1,314 = 314 + 1,000
28th October 2009 inclusive - 2nd June 2013