​​​​​ANNE  VOLANT  ROWLING...Gives  birth  to her  daughter  J K ROWLING 

907  days  from  her  18th birthday = 600 + 127 + 180

5th  February   1963  -  31st   July   1965

​​​​​J . K . ROWLING...Gives  birth  to her  daughter  MACKENZIE  MURRAY 

907  days  from  her  37th birthday = 600  + 127 + 180

31st   July  2002  -  23rd   January   2005

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​DAVID'S...birth  inclusive  to  his  sister  JESSICA  ARANTES'S 

  10th birthday = 127

23rd   March  2003   inclusive   -  27th   July   2003

  JESSICA'S...11th birthday to the birth of her sister  MACKENZIE  MURRAY = 180

27th   July  2004    -  23rd  January   2005


Applied  To   J . K . ROWLING  And  Her Children

​​​WHAT  ARE  THE  ODDS  ???

Here I have placed some of the more  Simplistic Codes  that I have for  J.K.Rowling  and  her children

 NOTE :  Before​ You scroll down I would just like to bring to Your attention

That there are  907  days between  Anne  to  her  daughter  J K Rowling's  birth

And there are also  907  days  between  J K Rowling  to  her  daughter  Mackenzie's  birth

​J . K . ROWLING...Gives  birth  to her  daughter  JESSICA  ARANTES  

727  days  from  her  26th birthday = 600  + 127

31st   July  1991  -  27th   July   1993

Copyright © The Hadassah Code. All rights reserved.

  DAVID'S...1st  birthday  inclusive  to the birth of his  Sister  

MACKENZIE  MURRAY = 307 = 127 + 180

23rd   March  2004   inclusive   -  23rd  January   2005

​​​​J . K . ROWLING...Gives  birth  to  her  son  DAVID MURRAY  

600  days  from  her  36th  birthday

31st  July  2001  -  23rd  March  2003